A standing ovation … for my Mum

I had a lump in throat moment or two at Made in Dagenham, at the Bob Hope theatre, on Sunday afternoon.

My Mum did something similar to Rita O’Grady, who led those women striking for equal pay with men at the Ford car works in the late 1960s.

The workforce of mainly women at the lightbulb factory my Mum worked in during the 1970s wanted to bring in a trade union to help them get decent working conditions and the pay they were worth. The owner said “no,” so my Mum led a strike. I remember visiting the picket line.

My Mum was bringing up me and my sister by herself, so it was hard for her and many others to be on indefinite strike. But they held out and the union was eventually recognised.

The standing ovation for Made in Dagenham, that I joined in on Sunday, was for a brilliant production and cast. But it was also for my Mum!